Look out Important Programming Languages for Hackers

Programming Languages for Hackers

There are lots of computer languages but few are required for hacking purpose because in most cases it depends upon target. There are basically three sections ― Web Hacking and Pentesting, Exploit Writing & Reverse Engineering and each of it requires different coding.

Programming languages for Web Hacking and Pentesting

If you’re interested in web hacking and pentesting, then you must learn learn below mentioned languages at-least basic and intermediate level.
• HTML : Always began with basic basic and HTML is important and most basic markup language. One should know it very well to understand web action, response, structure and logic. HTML is static markup language.
• JavaScript : JavaScript : JavaScript is the most used as client-side programming. You should learn it on high priority mode. Understanding JavaScript code logic can help you find web-apps flaw.
• SQL : SQL is database programming language. Each and every data is stored in database so you should know about database programming and vulnerability as it is the most sensitive part of Web.
• PHP : PHP is most popular dynamic programming language, unlike JavaScript It is server-side programming language. PHP is strongly recommended to every beginner in Hacking and Penetration testing.

Programming Languages for writing Exploits

Exploit writing is advance part of Hacking, It requires higher level of programming language. Every professional hacker must know Exploit Writing, It can be done in any programming language like C, C++, Ruby, Python etc.
• C : The mother of all programming language, C is most used in software creation for Linux, Windows etc… However it is also used for Exploit writing and development. I would prefer to learn C first and recommend to you as well.
• Python : Python is most used language for exploit writing, It is highly recommended you to learn Python Socket Programming because it helps lot learning exploit creation.
 • Ruby : A simple but complicated object-oriented programming language. Ruby is very useful in exploit writing. It is used for meterpreter scripting and do you know Metasploit Framework itself programmed in Ruby.

Programming languages for Reverse Engineering

• Assembly Language : Assembly is low level programming language but very complicated. One can instruct a machine hardware or software using Assembly language. Reverse Engineers uses Assembly language, and if you want to learn Reverse Eng, you must need to learn Assembly language.
Finally one more thing, programming languages for hacking also depends upon what program you want to hack, for example; if a web-app in coded in ASP.NET then you can’t hack it using PHP knowledge, although you can understand logic but it will be harder, so always make sure what you wanna hack and in which programming the app is coded.


  1. It was very helpful for me
    I was unable to decide which language to learn first but your article helped me a lot to develop my skills
    Thank you bro and keep updating us with these type of contents


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